Give Us A Break!

As part of the Activist Alliance Skills and Knowledge Exchange, we have worked on a 12-week project with a great group of young people at the Boathouse Youth Blackpool.  Through 12 creative workshops we explored activism and campaigning. This led to the creation of a ‘silent movie style’ campaign film called ‘Give Us a Break’ which introduced the idea of challenging restrictions around being able to go for toilet breaks when you need to in school.

Led by the young people’s ideas and hopes for change we explored activism stories and used drama to get our message across. This was a successful introduction to activism which increased the young people’s knowledge of what activism is and explored tools for planning and delivering their own campaign.  

The workshops have helped me because I can clearly talk about activism...I have gained knowledge on activism and I have a clear mindset on what activism [is]’
— a young activist from the project

Not all community participation is good


Reshaping the Research Ready Communities Pilot Project